
Keynotes & Workshops

Stefani delivers impactful keynote presentations, entertaining and inspiring with her sales stories and transformative ideas. She always provides memorable, key take-aways for your sales leaders and/or teams to implement immediately.

Sales Team Coaching Services

Comprehensive embedded sales coaching to up-level mindset & belief systems of sellers and the how-to of selling including effective prospecting, territory planning, running highly impactful meetings, managing pipeline and qualifying and closing deals.

Sales Leadership Training

Elevate your sales leadership team's performance with Stefani's sales leadership training and coaching expertise. Stefani works side-by-side with your leaders to improve their team cadences and communications, from the strategic of building a culture that attracts and retains top sales talent, to the important tasks of running pipeline and forecasting calls.

1-1 Coaching for Individual Sales Professionals

Stefani truly enjoys working with the individual sales professional who hires her to up-level their career. Whether it be a mid-career sales pro who wants to uplevel into a new job or promotion, or a new sales person who needs help getting a fast start in the world of sales, Stefani's 5V Coaching Program and sales courses help empower sales people to create the life and career they want and deserve.

Advisor for Sales Leadership

Stefani serves as a strategic advisor to the leader of a sales function, such as SDR/BDR programs, account manager and executive enterprise account teams. As your sounding board, she leverages her two decades in senior sales leadership to help you make the strategic decisions that impact the culture, composition and effectiveness of your sales program.

DEI: Women in Technology Sales

Often, Stefani found herself as the only or one of the few technology sales professionals in the room, especially in client-facing situations. She is passionate about helping women in tech sales find their authentic voice and express it, and understand how to use the power of their communication style in a confident and collaborative way. Her custom coaching program to Uplift Women in Technology Sales can help you achieve your DEI priorities and make a lasting impact for the path of women in your organization.

Coaching Works!

"Two-thirds of executives in F500 companies have had a coach at some point in their careers."

Stanford Graduate School of Business Survey

"Stefani's coaching style is unique, and very impactful, and will pay off in dividends for a long time to come for those that invest in their personal and professional development by partnering with her!"

Audra Spry,  National Sales Director at ModMed


  • KEYNOTES:  A motivational talk from Tony Robbins or a speech from a world-famous athlete can’t be beat for your sales organization (I know: I’ve benefited from BOTH Tony Robbins & Magic Johnson.. live!!)  However, budgets and sales meetings are evolving and changing.  Sometimes you need  a high-value, affordable speaker who can relate intimately to what your sales team goes through every day…the uphill prospecting challenges, the difficult procurement personality, the complex org chart of the large enterprise, the lack of new pipeline…the list goes on and on! 
  • Contact me using the link below if you’d like your sales organization to hear from someone who TRULY GETS their world and what it takes to succeed, learn a new way of thinking about achievement and get inspired again.
  • WORKSHOPS:  I lead key workshops that sales org value, because the training sticks…I provide leave-behind scripts and playbooks so that all of the budget you’ve invested into training doesn’t evaporate within a few weeks!  
  • Opening New Doors & Aligning to Executives
  • Effective Prospecting 
  • Objection-Handling and Deal Acceleration
  • Running Best-in-Class Discovery Meetings 
  • The New Way to Use LinkedIn for Prospecting
  • The Do’s and Don’t’s of AI for Sales Communications

If you are interested in up-leveling your sales team in any
of these areas, click the “Contact Stefani” button below to fill out a brief contact form, and I’ll be in touch to discuss

Top athletes have specialty coaches, and I believe that every professional needs a coach at some point in their careers to help them unstick, up-level, re-awaken, re-invigorate and improve their craft!  My coaching clients tell me that after a session or completing one of my coaching programs, they come away with new ideas to apply that they had never before considered…even the seasoned sales pros need a sounding board and a fresh perspective outside of the four walls of their company.  
The coaching I offer can be delivered 1:1 or in a group.
Who can benefit from my coaching?
1.  Individual sales contributors
2. New sales people
3. Seasoned sales professionals
4. Newly-promoted sales leaders
5. Sales leaders who feel burnt out and stagnant
6. Sales teams
You can expect both tangible and transformational results from my world-class coaching.  I help you or your sales teams reach new levels of confidence and effectiveness in decision-making, leadership, client communications and sales strategies.  I also teach repeatable processes and methodologies through memorable story-telling and everyone’s favorite…role-playing! (Yes, role-playing and gamification really does work and instills lasting transformation!)
My coaching approach is built upon 3 Key Pillars:
1.  Holistic: what motivates, challenges, and brings joy and success to the person & the professional 
2.  Strategic: big goals, job and career roadmap, transformation.
3. Tactical: current roadblocks to success, removing obstacles, situational troubleshooting, achievement of short-term goals, sales techniques and best practices.
Over 70% of sales training is typically forgotten in 90 days.  But Sales Coaching is different!  Through practical application, the coaching roots long and lasting change within the individual receiving the coaching.

Let’s work together to transform your sales teams through coaching!  We can discuss 1-1 coaching if you are an individual contributor or sales leader, or group coaching if you are an executive sales leader looking to bring a new kind of value to your sales organization!  

Click below to schedule an exploratory conversation with me.

Not every successful individual contributor in sales who then gets promoted into leadership is successful. There are stories upon stories of top-notch sales people who are put into leadership roles because it seems like “the right next step” who falter, lack confidence, and inadvertently sabotage the success of the people they have been appointed to lead.
We want you and your newly-promoted sales leaders to experience incredible success, but this can only happen with leadership training!  And “generic” leadership training, that is not specific to the sales profession, will not produce the results you want!
Sales leaders need training on everything from time management, effective forecasting, how to run productive 1-1’s, how to build culture, how to have the difficult conversations, how to push up or push out ineffective sales people, and how to avoid burn-out. These are NOT concepts addressed by your typical consultants or business leadership trainers.
I am an accomplished, award-winning sales leader, having worked for globally-esteemed sales organizations for over 20 years.  I have learned, crafted and implemented both the foundational elements of successful sales leadership as well as the more nuanced approaches critical to a sales team’s success as global sales organizations and customer needs and requirements have evolved.
Are you confident your sales leaders are equipped with the right training?  Are you worried they may burn out and leave, or worse yet…create attrition risk with your individual contributors? Do you have shining stars who could shine even more brightly and help their teams sell more and create an even stronger sales culture?
Let’s talk!  Please click below to complete a short form and we will schedule time to discuss your goals, concerns and ideas for strengthening and empowering your sales leaders!
Let’s be real: sometimes your company doesn’t provide you with the coaching you really need, and you also want someone to confide in without experiencing potentially negative consequences in making yourself vulnerable.
Why do Individual Sales Professionals Hire Me?
  • You feel stuck in your current sales role.
  • You think you should be further along in your career than you are.
  • You are ready to make yourself promotable into leadership.
  • You are burned out on the mechanics of selling and need new techniques and best practices to find new clients.
  • You need help with your resume, brand and finding new employment.
  • You’ve been laid off or let go from your sales job and you need help.
  • You want to find joy in your job again.

For all of these reasons and more, I’m here to serve as your confidential 1-1 coach.  Please get in touch and we will discuss your situation to explore if I’m the right fit for you!

If I am, we will leverage my proprietary 5V Transformation Cycle to get you where you want to go!


Sales Leaders hire me as a Fractional Consultant to advise their sales growth, sales culture and sales leadership strategies.  

With over 20 years in senior sales leadership, yet close enough to the field to keep my finger on the pulse of what really makes sales teams succeed or stall out, I’m that outside-your-four-walls sounding board and “reality check”.   

Consulting services from the Big Firms have their time and place, but many times, companies spend millions on assessments that don’t go anywhere because the advice is too broad and doesn’t truly move the needle where it counts…how your sales people are actually selling.

Before you pay the huge consultancies precious budget dollars, let’s talk about what goals you have for your sales program and teams, and see if a more practical, implementable approach is the right fit.

I enjoy being a fractional sales consultant to you in a flexible model that ensures you have my advice and guidance at important milestones in your decision-making progress.

Use the “Contact Stefani” button below to get in touch, or call me directly at 314-520-0750.

Women in technology sales leadership roles are still in the minority.  As women still face trade-offs in their careers while climbing the corporate ladder, even those that rise to the top can unexpectedly have trouble finding their authentic voice.
…But across the entire tech sector, the percentage of women in tech leadership roles is trending down, currently at 28%, according to DDI’s 2023 Global Leadership Forecast, which surveyed 1,827 human resources professionals and 13,695 business leaders from over 1,500 companies around the world. Mar 22, 2023
Many female leaders still find themselves as the only woman in the room, surrounded by male voices.   Women’s approach in meetings and the sales environment overall can be very different from that of men’s. Some of the strongest, smartest women still get talked over or their ideas are dismissed if they don’t communicate them in the same way as the men in the room. 
Diversity is not just about ethnicity, race, culture, or religious beliefs…it’s about hearing, respecting and giving space to the different types of voices and energy that contribute to a diverse sales culture.
As a 25+ year female sales leader in technology, I often found myself as the only woman in the room. I had to learn how to convey my ideas and opinions so they were heard and recognized by male counterparts.  I learned to assert myself, while still holding on to the qualities that make me unique and valuable as a person and as a woman.
I teach these same principles as well as practical application through role-plays and individual coaching for your company’s female leaders.  We discuss everything from executive presence and feminine energy, to the actual words to use and how to project your voice during challenging situations.  
Let’s support women’s voices in technology sales!  I’d be honored to be your guide in helping the women in your organization use their individual talents and skills to find their own, authentic voice, and become a force multiplier in your company. 
Please get in touch by clicking below & let’s work together.